

admin 欧洲杯 2024-03-27 70浏览 0


  Many European countries are known for certain foods or handmade crafts that are ideal for bringing back home. Portugal, for example, is the single producer of port wine in the world. 众所周知,许多欧洲国家都有适合带回家的美食或手工艺品。举例来说,葡萄牙就是世界上唯一生产波特酒的国家。

  Keep scrolling to see the ideal souvenir to buy in 20 different European countries. 来看看以下20个欧洲国家都可以买到什么完美纪念品。

  Germany: Mass 德国:啤酒杯

  Germans have long been known for their love of beer — often it's cheaper than water — and they drink it by the liter in heavy glass mugs known as a mass. 长久以来德国人一直以热爱啤酒闻名,在德国,啤酒常常比水还便宜,德国人喝啤酒都是一升一升的喝,用的是一种名叫mass的笨重的玻璃杯。

  Take a trip to Munich's historic Hofbräuhaus and grab a mass with the iconic blue HB on the front. 去慕尼黑历史悠久的宫廷酿酒屋就可以买到这种啤酒杯,记得买最经典的正面有蓝色HB标记的那种杯子。(H代表德国皇家,B代表啤酒,这个商标属于慕尼黑皇家啤酒)

  Italy: Leather goods 意大利:皮具

  Italy is full of outdoor markets packed with vendors selling a variety of leather goods that range from bags to belts to notebooks. 意大利到处是露天市场,熙熙攘攘的小贩们在街头卖各种皮具,有皮包、皮带,也有皮革笔记本。

  The country's most famous market — and the ideal spot to find quality leather goods — is the San Lorenzo Market in Florence. You could spend the better part of a day wandering around the endless array of stalls. 意大利最著名的市场——也是找到优质皮具的最佳去处——就是佛罗伦萨的圣罗伦佐市场。你可以花大半天的时间在无穷无尽的摊位间徜徉。

  Croatia: Licitar heart 克罗地亚:丽西塔心形蛋糕

  Popular all over Croatia, licitar hearts are simple cakes made from flour, water, yeast, and sugar that are shaped with tin molds and then baked and painted bright colors — most commonly red. 丽西塔心形蛋糕在克罗地亚各地都很受欢迎。这种蛋糕用面粉、水、酵母和糖制成,用锡模弄成心形,烤好后涂上鲜艳的颜色,最常见的是红色。

  The hearts have been around since the Middle Ages. The smaller versions can make for a great Christmas tree ornament. 这种心形蛋糕早在中世纪时就有了。迷你版的心形蛋糕很适合用作圣诞树的装饰物。

  The Netherlands: Delftware 荷兰:代尔夫特陶器

  Delftware is blue and white pottery that's named after the city where it's produced — Delft. The pottery dates back to the 1600s, and, at its peak, Delft was home to 33 factories that produced the unique pieces. 代尔夫特陶器是一种蓝白相间的陶器,名字源于它的产地——代尔夫特。这种陶器的历史可以追溯到17世纪,在巅峰时期,代尔夫特曾有33家生产这种独特陶器的工厂。

  Now only one factory remains, but you can find Delftware all over the Netherlands. Pieces range from plates to teapots to decorative statues. 现在当地只剩下一家工厂,但是你可以在荷兰各地看到代尔夫特陶器。陶器的种类从盘子、茶壶到装饰性雕塑都有。


